you will learn that these insights naturally occur to many human beings every day but often go unnoticed and unappreciated for their value in living a mentally healthy life.
Katya Kovalyovaцитує6 років тому
In short, my ordinary life was becoming extraordinary.
Katya Kovalyovaцитує6 років тому
learned that there is nothing in the future to rush off to that can offer me anything more than this precious moment that you and I are in every instant
Katya Kovalyovaцитує6 років тому
My intentions were positive, but my life was a mess.
Katya Kovalyovaцитує6 років тому
I was running fast but was only traveling in circles
Katya Kovalyovaцитує6 років тому
Instead of scattering my attention in ten directions at a time, I was able to focus intently, yet effortlessly, on whatever was before me—work, a friend, a project around the house, a book, preparing a meal, a conversation
Katya Kovalyovaцитує6 років тому
like a hamster on the wheel
Katya Kovalyovaцитує6 років тому
Up until that point, I saw life as a series of tasks to get done, lists of items to accomplish, meetings to attend, activities to complete