a UX project plan forces you to be honest with yourself about how you are going to tackle the work. This can be especially helpful if you are not really sure how you’re going to tackle work
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Help others see how UX impacts the process.
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Dealing with Organizational Issues
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I was on a project once with a manager who set up pre-meetings with all of her senior executives prior to formal share-out of proposed designs.
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Fluctuating support suggests that managers and colleagues need to better understand the value of UX.
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it’s frustrating when our efforts are impeded by others
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They seem to assume that everyone has good intentions, and they try to see the situation from other people’s perspectives, rather than just their own.
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Good enough to convey the basic idea.
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#4 Know When It’s Good Enough
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You can get even more creative and have a cross-functional team participate in collaborative design exercises, which are great for loosening people up and getting the ideas rolling.