Should your servants break anything while you are at table, do not appear to notice it.
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Do not ask any one at the table to help you to anything, but apply to the servant.
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The hostess should never send away her plate until all the guests have finished.
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Soup must be eaten from the side, not the point of the spoon
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is usual to commence with soup, which never refuse; if you do not eat it, you can toy with it
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Be punctual to the hour appointed.
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Invitations to dinner must of course be answered to the lady.
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When you leave a party before the others, do so quietly and as little seen as possible
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Invitations to a ball or evening party should be given in the lady’s name,
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When visitors enter, rise immediately, advance toward them, and request them to be seated. If it is an elderly person, insist upon his occupying the arm-chair; if a lady, beg her to be seated on the sofa.