“The Long Journey” by Elsie Singmaster is a tale from two centuries ago. The story is derived from the experience of a German family. Their long journey started from South Germany to Mohawk Valley during Queen Anne's reign. The story is full of family adventures in the wild. Excerpt: “THE GROSS ANSPACH COW On the evening of the twenty-third of June, Conrad Weiser brought home, as was his custom, the Gross Anspach cow. The fact was, in itself, not remarkable, since it was Conrad's chief duty to take the cow to pasture, to guard her all day long, to lead her from one little patch of green grass to another, to see that she drank from one of the springs on the hillside, and to feed her now and then a little of the precious salt which he carried in his pocket. What made this twenty-third of June remarkable was the fact that this was Conrad's final journey from the pastures of Gross Anspach to Gross Anspach village.”