'The Adventures of a Greenman' is a 15 part true short story series, about the real life experiences of a modern day nomad called Adam, who wanders his way around the earth for a decade. The 15 parts collectively form the epic: 'I Travel Light: The Man Who Walked Out of the World'. In ‘Raw Travel Spain’, the 4th in this true short story series, the wanderer finds himself at a loose end in Portugal. Hitch hiking over to Spain, he follows his extraordinarily accurate intuition and is led to the alternative Spanish town of Orgiva, nestled in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Andalucia. He ends up staying in the welcoming place for nearly two years, house sitting, wandering wild and remote caves and building ornate wooden structure to earn a few shekels. When he is without work, he teaches T’ai Chi and gives Reiki healing, living in simple ruins in the intense heat of Spain. As his time in the mountains nears its end, he decides to go to India to buy an old wooden fishing boat, and his adventures continue.