Let me state this again, even when using Reiki, you still must do what you need to do in your life to change and heal. You have to do the work, be it diet, exercise, release work, getting medical treatment etc., Reiki usually cannot heal by itself.
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Many healing miracles with Reiki have occurred and there are many books and articles that have documented this. But, usually Reiki is not a magic bullet. It’s a healing modality that should be used in conjunction with other healing modalities to help heal and change your life.
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Some of the common physical sensations when giving Reiki are: warm to very hot hands, tingling sensations in hands or throughout body, hands cold to ice cold, numbness in hands and/or arms
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During sessions when there were minimal or no physical signs, ultimately the Reiki produced stronger effects after the session. The more you use Reiki, the more you become attuned to the Reiki energy and flow, and will always be able to sense when it is flowing.
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Reiki Practitioners, and even Reiki Masters are concerned about this. Most of the time there are indeed physical signs when using Reiki, but sometimes there are no physical signs. This does not mean the Reiki is not flowing, it is.
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When sending Reiki without permission here is what you do. Before you send it, state a prayer that includes your intent for the Reiki and ask the person to receive the Reiki only if it is for their highest good. If the Karma (destiny) is that the Reiki is not wanted and/or needed on any level, it will not be received and there will be no harm.
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I am going to tell you now; the power of the Reiki Symbols does not come from drawing them perfectly. It comes from your intent to activate the symbol(s) once you have been attuned to them.
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In Reiki Attunements you must make your intent clear on which attunement you are going to give before you do it. For example, if you are going to give a Reiki Healing Attunement, you make your intent clear that it is a Healing Attunement before you give it.
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In activating Reiki Symbols the key is your intent. Intend to activate them for what they are needed for, and they will.
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When blockages are released in your spiritual body, you will be able to reach a higher level of awareness and connection with your source.