In “Round the World,” Andrew Carnegie embarks on a grand journey, documenting his extensive travels across continents and cultures. Written in a vivid and accessible prose style, this travelogue interweaves personal anecdotes with reflective insights on society, industry, and the advancements of the late 19th century. Carnegie's narrative captures the essence of emerging global connections during the Industrial Age, providing readers with a rich tapestry of experiences that highlight the interplay between progress and tradition. His keen observations serve as a lens through which we can examine the socio-economic transformations of the period, resonating with themes of enterprise and philanthropy that would later define his legacy. Andrew Carnegie, a Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist, rose from humble beginnings to become one of the wealthiest men of his time. His extensive travels were not merely for pleasure; they were instrumental in shaping his worldview on global interdependence and the moral imperatives of wealth distribution. Through his explorations, Carnegie sought to inspire a sense of universal brotherhood and the sharing of knowledge, reflecting his belief in the potential of humanity to improve itself through education and initiative. This book is a compelling recommendation for readers interested in historical travel narratives or the life of one of America's most influential figures. Carnegie's thoughtful reflections on culture and progress offer valuable insights that remain relevant to modern readers. “Round the World” is not merely a journey across distances; it invites explorations of the human spirit and the interconnectedness that defines our global community.