I wondered why all the people you meet have to be such liars.
Duckyuaцитуєминулого місяця
But I guess they just like black people, huh?
Duckyuaцитуєминулого місяця
And his dingaling was, like . . . creepy.
Duckyuaцитує2 місяці тому
Gay: Atashi Kenji ’te iu no yo!
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There are six categories of bonno,
midnight moonцитуєторік
This was her first time abroad, and she decided that since it’s a foreign country they must have a different god and that maybe the god the Catholics pray to loses his power here because the customs are different, not to mention the land itself.”
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made her wonder if people here never came up against the kind of suffering where you can’t do anything but turn to your god for help
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The Americans, like the Spanish, massacred millions of Indians, but I don’t think it was out of malevolence so much as plain old ignorance
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and you can’t do something you can’t visualize yourself doing. Normally we don’t notice it, but we always have to picture ourselves doing something before we can match the image with an action.