It all changed when I found Ryder; my Romeo. And what I thought was a love story, really is a tragedy after all
it’s like jumping out of a plane with no parachute, knowing I’m going to hit the ground with a force that no one could survive. But the view on the way down will be worth the sacrifice of my dignity and my life.
I want to consume someone so much that when they lose me, they can’t breathe
I lie there drunk on alcohol and lust as he once again takes me somewhere I’ve never been before. And a place I wanna never leave.
I like you because you make me feel something I have never felt before.
Darling, you could do anything, and I’ll still fall to my knees before you.
Have you ever kissed someone and just feel ... something that you’ve never felt before? The only way I can explain it is like a shock to my insides. Like she’s set me on fire with just one match.
I wanna taste her just as badly as she wants to let go. We’ve both been starving.
A little crazy mixed with beautiful.
She’s like the hurricane that you’re warned is coming; every fiber in you tells you to leave, but you end up staying just to see if you can survive it.